退伍军人 Resource and Outreach Center (VET-ROC)

The 退伍军人 Resource and Outreach Center is the one-stop shop for all things related to the 经验丰富的 and military-connected community on campus.

VET-ROC staff support student 经验丰富的s as they reintegrate back into the civilian world and tackle their higher educational goals.

As part of the 学生 Affairs Division, the 退伍军人 Resource and Outreach Center is available to all military-connected students, 包括现役军人, 经验丰富的, 预备役, 国民警卫队, 配偶或受养人. It is our mission to build a supportive and inclusive experience for all visitors to our office.


If you're a Veteran in crisis or concerned about one, 有爱心, qualified VA responders standing by to help 24 hours a day, 一周7天 退伍军人危机热线.




工作人员, administrators and students talk about the services and support offered.
Watch 关于VET-ROC on Vimeo.com


退伍军人 Resource and Outreach Center (VET-ROC)